Apolluz Discovery team
McMINNVILLE, Ore. – It’s stood the test of time, and other than Roswell, the “flying saucer craze” that began here in McMinnville in 1950, and continues today with UFO evidence “lighting-up Cairo and Jerusalem,” is breaking records already in 2011 for more UFO sightings than at any time in human history.

“Now that things have calmed down in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, there may be time to investigate recent UFO activities seen over Cairo and over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem,” state confirmed reports out of the Egyptian Mail, Le Progres Egyptien, the Middle East Times and other newspapers and media that serve this region.

In fact, local witnesses told Egypt’s “Nilesat” TV that UFOs are “lighting-up Cairo and Jerusalem.”

Thus far in 2011, there’s been more UFO sightings worldwide in just “these first 44 days of the new year than at any time in previous years,” say a host of well-known optical physicists and prominent UFO investigators in the United States, at the European Union, in China, Russia, Australia and the Middle East.

McMinnville’s “Project Grudge” leads the way.

Here in McMinnville, a place best known today for its Oregon wine and a rural get-away for those who live in busy Portland (located about 35 miles southwest of Portland), there’s just one word that locals use to describe their famous UFO sighting – “Mesmerizing.”

“You look back at May 11, 1950, and remember what happened at the Trents’ farm down the road 10 miles out of town and you say it’s mesmerizing for sure,” says local UFO guide William “Bill” Manuel who says the experience of seeing a UFO – and this retired fireman says he sees them on a “regular basis” – is akin to what it must feel like “when you die.”

“I read that dying is akin to diving into a deep lake on a hot day. There’s the shock of that sharp cold change, the pain of it for a second and then accepting is a swim in reality. That sums up what I feel when viewing them up in the sky,” says Manuel as the vein in his forehead swelled like a thick, black snake.

In fact, UFO-focused tourists say a visit to the hallowed ground that is the location of the old Trent farm is just that “mesmerizing,” as Manuel says it is during one of his accounts of what went down more than 50 years ago.

“Evelyn Trent said she spotted a ‘metallic disc-shaped aircraft hovering in the northeast sky. It was silver and bronze colored, with a tapered shape, a flat bottom, and a protruding, antenna like structure on top.’ Evelyn called for her husband Paul to take a picture,” explained Manuel.

Moreover, this McMinnville UFO guide produced copies of 1950 stories from the McMinnville Telephone-Register and Portland Oregonian newspapers that detail how an official U.S. government investigation was launched after this UFO sighting and after McMinnville was dubbed “Saucerville” by national media.

McMinnville, home to quirky Linfield College and the Evergreen Aviation Museum that features numerous local UFO artifacts, this story grew huge after the government “confiscated the negatives from the local McMinnville newspaper of the Trents’ UFO pictures.”

A formal investigation of McMinnville UFO sighting was called “Project Grudge,” that to this day still remains the “gold standard for confirmed sightings.” In fact, the photos taken by Paul Trent (*he took two images on that fateful night) are among the most thoroughly analyzed in UFO history.

“The Trents’ were impeccable witnesses, and no evidence of a hoax has been found,” said the famed UFO expert at the time, Dr. Bruce Maccabee.

It was Maccabee who served as a chief investigator of the Trent photos. And, it’s Maccabee’s endorsement of the photos’ authenticity that’s made McMinnville “the Roswell of the North,” added Manuel who points to “tens of thousands of tourists who come to McMinnville each year to visit the sighting location at the Trent farm.”

UFO debunkers and believers argue for proof.

Other than the Roswell “flying saucer crash” in Roswell, New Mexico, on July 2, 1947, McMinnville is one of those fascinating locations in UFO lore that opens and even skeptical mind.

For instance, McMinnville’s UFO community – that includes several members of the Oregon UFO “watchers” group that’s active on the central Oregon coast at known UFO sighting areas as Bray’s Point and Stonefield Beach – states a belief that there exists in the heavens worldwide, a true physical phenomenon that appears to be under intelligent control.”

Moreover, the view that UFOs are of “extraterrestrial origin” is a rational one and must be taken into account by world governments.

Already, leading international scientists and detailed UFO reports – by the United States, Great Britain, France, Russia, China and other world governments and that include detailed analysis over 50 years—are calling on the United Nations to review “all UFO evidence” and produce a “systematic scientific investigation” to make first contact now.

However, there’s real concern addressed in Project Blue Book and other official U.S. and foreign government reports that “UFOs can affect national security.”

Thus, a defense view has been taken and that’s why – say UFO experts – Roswell, McMinnville and other UFO “hot spots” are still not within the mainstream of what the general public is “ready to believe.”

3/22/2011 07:30:50 pm

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3/27/2011 12:33:31 pm

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3/27/2011 07:15:38 pm

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4/8/2011 06:21:32 pm

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